We have to cut his hair ALOT....he has freaky fast growing and THICK hair (my sister in law says he's like one of those playdough doll heads where you push the button down and the hair comes flowing out). We've been trying to convince him for the longest time to let us take him to get it professionally cut, and it's never worked out. Until TODAY!!
After going to home depot to get Christmas lights, we went to Red Robin for lunch and afterwards cruised through our shabby little local mall for a bit. We went upstairs where they have this place that cuts kid's hair - they have movies and toys and cool cars or airplanes for the kids to sit in. We walked in and explained that he could sit in a car and watch a movie at the same time but he wasn't having it. So we left...
We rounded the corner and came upon all those little quarter rides, like cars and a carousel or a train and he was all "daddy! I really want to ride those!! PLEASE??" and hubs leaned down and said "I'll tell you what, you can ride whatever one you want....if you'll get a haircut"
And he looked at us and slumped over and said "okay FINE..." and that was that.
A little bit of bribery and we marched into that place plopped him in a car and this sweet little hispanic lady started clipping away saying "awwww papi....such a good little nino". She bent his head this way and that way and she was in charge of that kid's head. He didn't make a PEEP and did everything she said. I couldn't believe it.
Look at that MOP of hair - seriously....
A ride and a lollopop....that's all it took!
He looks so different...my boy is growing up on me :) 4 1/2 already....and such a good kid. I love age 4 - my favorite age so far!