Friday, April 28, 2006
Letter of Frustration...
I really was not going to get a sandwich today - but when I went home to get some laundry going, I found a card from your shop. It was one of those "buy 10 get one free" cards...and although I have no idea how it got filled up, since you're sandwiches aren't my favorite - but I figured "What the Hell"..and headed over to get a sandwich.
And now, I arrived at work 20 minutes late because of YOU.
I left my house (which happens to be 5 blocks from your establishment) at 12:45pm - and am now arriving back at work (which also happens to be just about 5 blocks away) at 1:20pm.
Now, let me explain that one of the things I enjoy about your sandwich place is that you have those little forms to fill out EXACTLY what I want. I consider these to be somewhat foolproof because how could anyone screw that up? You don't have to remember that I don't want mayonnaise on my sandwich...all you have to do is look at the paper and see that I only want MUSTARD.
So here's the deal,
I understand that you must be somewhat of a perfectionist since it looked like you spent at least an hour styling your hair and applying 478 layers of different colored eyeshadow and mascara. I also totally appreciated your t-shirt that said "SPOILED" on the front. And of course I noticed those perfect and fake nails that handled my sandwich like it was absolutely out to RUIN YOUR MANICURE...pinkies in the air and everything.
But I do not understand why it took so damn long to make my sandwich. I watched you slowly lean over and take the sprouts out of the refrigerator. I also watched you VEEEERRRRY SLLOOOOWWWWLY disperse said sprouts onto my sandwich...and then I sat there and stared as you tried to put the lid back on those sprouts 5 TIMES. I'm sure there were a few stragglers trying to get out - but seriously, did you have to attempt it 5 TIMES? Just put the darn lid on and get on with things.
I also watched as you grabbed a handful of onions and proceeded to seperate each and every ring of onions before you strategically placed them onto my sandwich - I can only assume that you really felt like you were making art? or perhaps you were mesmerized by all those little circles overlapping each other...
I also was positively amazed that you spent 2 entire minutes rearranging the meat on my sandwich, so that each slice was perfectly folded over and pretty a ruffle...and yet -as I was watching you, I wanted to scream "Just PUT THE MEAT ON THERE, SLAP THAT THING TOGETHER AND LET ME GET ON MY WAY!"
I alllllllmost got up and let you know what a hurry I was in - but I was so amazed at the slowness, that I couldn't help myself...I had to sit and watch you.
I saw you STOP putting my sandwich together, and actually lean over and check out your reflection in the microwave...and then I saw you scoot my fully made, but not put-together sandwich over just a bit to the left...and start on another person's sandwich. At this point, I actually did get up and ask you to just wrap mine up so I could go...and you blankly blinked your Tammy Faye lashes and looked at me while saying "huh?"
I pointed to my sandwich and said "I'm in a hurry, can you just wrap that up before completing the sandwich for the customer AFTER ME?"
You then actually SIGHED and said "I thought you were together?"
which is when I blinked at YOU. Because the guy after me, was outside drinking a beer at a table with his buddies...while I was sitting INSIDE all by myself (alllllll byyyyyy myyyyseeeeeeeeeeelf!)
I stared at you for a moment until you started wrapping up my sandwich.
And when I FINALLY got back to work - I opened up my sandwich and found....not, mustard for me! But a big slab of mayonnaise spread all over my perfectly ruffled looking meat...and gently placed sprouts.
If I didn't have to work, I would definately be headed back to your shop and mentally squishing my mayonnaise laden sandwich right into your perfectly coiffed hair.
I don't care if it WAS free....
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Long time no type
Alot's going on - of course we had Easter...then hubster's sister had ANOTHER baby girl (that makes 7 neices and 1 nephew)...then we had our neice Gracie's 1st birthday. In the midst of it all, trying to get information on building a fence and doing research for the dog we're going to get after we come back from our May vacation....and of course going on vacation in exactly 25 days, woooo!
I think one of the reasons I haven't been posting is because I like to post pictures - and our camera has been jacked up for a while. For some reason whenever we took indoor pictures, they would come out totally blurry and overexposed. So last Saturday, we took our 1 year old camera back and returned it for a brand spanking new (and better!) camera. It's much more user friendly and seems to take better and more detailed pictures than our old one.
I of course had to delete all the pictures off our old camera and found a few on there that I should have posted a while back...
Hubster had left an uneated Taco Bell taco on our coffee table. It was still wrapped in paper and everything, and I believe he meant to toss it - but forgot.
The following morning, this is what we found:

Now, am I crazy? Or does that look like an actual BITE out of the taco??
We of course knew right away which cat was guilty. And you know, usually - the perpetrator will always revisit the scene of the crime....observe:
That would be the blurry head of Tiny the Scavenger.
I've never seen a cat eat more people food in my life. He'll eat pretty much anything we're eating...even candy...(yes, I know, I'm a horrible parent...I feed my cat sweetarts...blah, blah, blah - not that he eats much...but one or two I figure won't hurt him...)
His all-time favorite foods would be Yogurt and Fruit Rolls. Although, I think he likes Fruit Rolls more...
Hubster and I have actually hid under blankets and in closets with those two foods - and no matter where he is, or what he's doing...even if he's in his bed snoring! HE WILL FIND US..
Good thing he's cute...