So hubs and I have been on the lookout for a new couch....or sofa...whatever...what exactly is the difference between a couch or a sofa? Is it like Ketchup and Catsup?
Anyway, back when AJ was first born, we got serious cabin fever and hit up a bunch of furniture stores when he was only a few days old, in search of one we liked. We found a few that struck our fancy, but nothing that jumped out and said "BUY ME". Shortly after that, the boy decided to go through a bad spit-up/projectile stage, so we decided it must be cosmic intervention for us buying a new couch...and we should hold off for a while.
Last week, we decided to once again resume our search, now that he's not sooo bad at the spitting up...and after perusing quite a few furniture stores...some crappy and some not so crappy - we went into one place in SLO, and within 10 minutes found not only a couch, but also a chair that we loved and wanted to buy.
The couch will be here in a few days -(doesn't look anything like the chair, but I'm not a real matchy matchy person anyway) so in the meantime, please meet Hubs new favorite thing in the whole world (besides me and the kidlet of course...I said THING):

Hubs actually comes home from work, caresses it softly and whispers "I missed yoooouuuu".
Whatta wingnut
Also? the couch is a reclining couch, which basically means we'll be in the throes of comfort over here....SIGH.
So you all remember the boy and his daddy sporting the tuxedo t-shirts right? Well we found another appropriate onsie for him:

His newest thing is watching far - veggie tales and tom and jerry win out over everything else

And we had another playdate...he FINALLY noticed the cute girl this time...they were so funny together
