Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
7 years and no itching...

But I also appreciate the seriousness with which we both took our vows, and the committment we both have...right down to signing our marriage certificate.
That one day is such a blur in my mind...such a big ordeal - and yet, such a tiny part of our lives together...I live for the small stuff. The laughter over stupid arguements - the smile on his face when he walks in the front door - the tender way he hugs and kisses our son - the silly ways he answers our phone - when we turn off the tv and snuggle on the couch with a kitty or two or three to read books - fires in the fireplace on a rainy evening - trips to the beach with our dog - "fend for yourself" dinner nights - making Adam laugh until he squeals and screams - watching reruns of Friends and cracking up together - doing random projects around the house and being proud when we actually finish something - dancing in the kitchen to distract our cranky kid - oh my gosh the FARTING (that includes all living creatures in this house) - reminding ourselves "there is no weirdness like family wierdness" - and all the other day to day stuff that make me smile and thank God for the life that I'm living.
Happy 7th Anniversary Hubs - I would do it all again in a heartbeat...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Time gone by...

Notice, my MOM is the one to comfort him....me? I grabbed for the camera first - hee! The day after Christmas - hubs had to work and so did I, but I got the car all packed up because we had to drive to San Francisco that evening. In the afternoon, I had the opportunity to go back up to my parents and meet up with some long time family friends from Texas, it was so great to see them. I was waiting to get a call from hubs with an ETA about when he'd be getting off work...it got later and later - finally he called at around 7pm and said he was headed home. So I left, and got adam fed and changed and we hightailed it out of town around 7:30pm. We thought "well this won't be so bad, adam should sleep the whole way up there!" ooooorrrrrr NOT. We got to King City and had to stop for a 2nd time because of the screaming, and hubs was ready to turn around and go home. I think he just get uncomfortable in that seat or something - it sits down really deep. We're researching bigger carseats because it's time to move up in size anyway, and we're hoping that will make a difference travel-wise. It suuuuuucks traveling with a grumpy kid in the back. Anyway, we finally got there around midnight, and he was fast asleep and even stayed asleep after getting him out of the carseat, into the house and into his bed. Saturday was a calm day of visiting with the in-laws and then in the afternoon, hub's sister and family arrived and it was dinner time followed by present timeHub's folks bought Adam a rocking horse! if you squeeze it's ears, the tail wags, it moves it's head and makes that clip-clop-clip-clop sound. Pretty fun...and hilarious to see how far his feet are from making it into the stirups...we've got a short little guy on our hands here.
Sunday was Madison's 5th birthday (madison is the one on the right shaking the gift), and they had her party at this place called "pump it up" which is basically a couple of rooms full of bounce houses and slides and obstacle courses. Pretty awesome...and we kicked off our shoes and joined in a few times :)
And Adam finally got a bath in na-na's sink...he had his own little personal shower and was happy as a clam

Anyway - that was Christmas! New Years? We spent the evening calming down Georgia who was freaking out over all the fireworks going off in our neighborhood...I drank 2 glasses of champagne and passed out on the couch. We were both in bed by 10:30pm. Woooo - party at our house eh?
That's all for now!