Is this not the cutest picture of our Georgia EVER?

Growing tomatoes...
More Cuteness...
Beautiful Morning Glory's climbing over the fence from our neighbor's yard...
You KNOW you want more cuteness...
A REALLY FRICKIN HARD puzzle that I FINALLY completed after about 5 days of swearing over the flowers that ALL LOOK THE SAME....
My Bougainvilla's (don't give me crap about the spelling...I did my best) are finally blooming after a comeback of being neglected for ummm....about a year...
What's that?? You want more cuteness? Okay FINE...
I found our girl sleeping in our closet the other day....and do you see on my slipper?
That would be DROOL...good ole PUPPY DROOL
That girl is just like her father :)
Aww she drools!!!
How cute is she!!
Bring on more cuteness.
Hell yeah! I'm with Amanda, bring on the cuteness! Great pics, too...i'm totally jel of your camera.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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