These first two pictures are 3-D where you can sort of make out the face and our critter has it's little fists all balled up in a boxing stance!
and this third one is a regular picture - a good profile shot... Everything looks good - there's a wee bit of extra fluid in the kidneys, but they don't seem too worried about it. I'll be going back for another ultrasound in 2 months just to check on them.
It's so strange because I can look at these pictures and my brain knows that this is my kid - but I can't really comprehend emotionally that it's my kid. The pictures and the pregnancy all seem very disconnected to me. I wonder if I'll feel that way when I actually give I'll hold my baby, and it'll be completely seperate from the pregnancy part? I don't know - like I've said before, it's very difficult to wrap my head around this whole process.
Lately, it seems that I've just suddenly popped belly I mean. Since my first belly pic was 4 weeks ago - I decided to take another on at 20 weeks - and WHOA was I surprised again to see myself from a different angle.Dang Chang - that's a BELLY I got goin on!
Let's compare shall we?
16 weeks and 20 weeks
okay that's just wierd.
And I'm only going to get bigger from here!
The sleeping thing has really been as issue for me lately - all the tossing and turning and peeing and heartburn problems have taken it's toll. My morning walks have landed by the wayside in the interest of getting in at least an hour and a half more sleep. I know it's only going to get worse, so I need to stop complaining and appreciate the amount I'm getting right now.
I've been feeling alot of movement lately - thumps and bumps and flutters. Everytime I grab hubs hand to see if he can feel it, it stops. We've determined that this kid is ALREADY a we imagine him/her hunkered down in there snickering and trying to be really still while we feel around. I think it'll be a while before he can actually feel anything, in the meantime it's like my own little secret .
Looking forward to a short work week - WOOO! Happy Thanksgiving :)
When they handed Henry to me at the hospital, I remember thinking: "Hm, they say this came out of me. Weird." It didn't click. And I had no epidural so the pain element should have been proof enough! Even now, five months later, I have a hard time comprehending that this is MY child. That I'm a MOMMY. Maybe by the time we have a second one it'll sink in?
When they handed Henry to me at the hospital, I remember thinking: "Hm, they say this came out of me. Weird." It didn't click. And I had no epidural so the pain element should have been proof enough! Even now, five months later, I have a hard time comprehending that this is MY child. That I'm a MOMMY. Maybe by the time we have a second one it'll sink in?
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