Anyway, Adam has earned the nickname Captain Destructo at our house. Meaning, I can pick up all the toys, vacuum, and tidy the living room...and in the time that it takes me to pee - I can come into a room of toys scattered wall to wall, cheerios ground into the rug, a sippy cup leaking on the floor, and a tv remote, cordless phone, and mouse for my computer all missing in action.
And since I have to answer my work phones from 8am - 5pm...he has many opportunities to cause chaos - most of them happening when I'm talking to a client and just happy that he is being quiet. But all mothers know that Quiet = Trouble.
He quite often takes out his stuffed animal basket, dumps it out and climbs in. He holds onto the sides and scoots around while making growling noises.
Cute huh? Except that one day, I was busy on the phone with a client for a while...and he figured out that if he flipped the basket over and stood on it, he could reach mommy's basket of paperwork and so when I got off the phone - this is what I saw...


I was just..uhhh...reorganizing...I did good RIGHT?
So on another day...I had some boxes stacked up here in the office and once again, my boy decided to show me his SKILLZ. I turned around after hanging up the phone and saw...

And so of course, what did I do after shouting "Adam! DUDE, What are you DOING??"
I ran for the camera...
Yeah, Henry made THE BIGGEST messes whenever I was on the phone with clients...for me, by the time he was 18 months, I pretty much couldn't work from home anymore (I still tried because by then I was pregnant but my timecard shrunk)'ll be interesting to see if Adam does the same for you. Henry would cry the minute I pulled out my laptop and try to close it...because it meant mommy couldn't play. It was really sad.
oops, this is Jeannett.
it does help when they are cute! sounds like my house. just wait until you have two destructos around! =)
Oh no!! this is going to be scary! :) I love the basket one, and on top of the TV, how do they even know to do that. Geesh!!
oh no!! our boys will be TROUBLE the next time we get them together-
That cheese smile after being caught with your paperwork is PRICELESS!
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