The problem with me these days is that I ordered a bunch of books off Amazon, and they arrived the DAY before we left for vacation..which led to me devouring my first book, thus causing a mad last minute packing frenzy and half assed cleaning of our house before we left for our trip. Hubster walked into the house on Friday, and saw me snuggled on the couch with my stack of "goods"...groaned and said "you know, I HOPE I'm gonna get to talk to my wife on this trip instead of watching her have an affair with her lastest novel"
And yet who do you think is the one who ended up with his nose in a book while I was DRIVING??? yeah, that would be him...
I don't know how he does that without getting sick...especially with ME driving!
So anyway - I'm currently on my FOURTH book in 2 weeks - and I still have laundry and unpacking to do.
If there's one thing I'm good at, it's being lazy!
I must say that hubster and I DID NOT end up renting an RV like we wanted to. Partly because the cost of gas would have been outrageous for all the miles we were driving...and partly because hubster is easily seduced by a hotel jacuzzi tub. I also am easily seduced by those little tiny bottles of shampoo and KNOW I throw all those suckers into my suitcase before leaving. I also take all the coffee, tea, cotton balls, earplugs, and shower caps. YES I TAKE THE SHOWER CAPS....not that I ever use them, but I PAID for them so they're coming with me.
Those hotels are just lucky that I don't take the toilet paper and kleenex too...
Hubster's parents didn't like the idea of us driving our own car, and insisted that they rent us a car instead. So we got to drive a cute little cranberry red Mazda 6 on our trip - which was cool.
Some of the things we did on vacation:

Take ALOT of pictures from the car window. This is us crossing the Bay Bridge on our way out of San Francisco on Monday morning...
This is hubster trying to protest my picture-taking and yet burp at the same time...he's a sexy beast isn't he?

as you can see, his protesting didn't prevent me from posting this picture on the INTERNET...
The drive from San Francisco to Redding was incredibly boring - surprisingly boring actually. We amused ourselves by discussing who gets to name towns, and why someone would think it's a good idea to call a place WEED, California. The only conclusion we could come up with was either some unimaginative hippies who got some good stuff there...OR, that maybe the explorers who found the place weren't very impressed.
And here is where we started heading into the "TREES glorious TREES!"

That up there on the right is Mount Shasta....still in California at that point.
Our first stop was Ashland, Oregon - which was a BEAUTIFUL place. But it's very expensive to live there. We stopped and had some lunch, and spoke with a realtor who gave us information about surrounding areas, including Medford - which is where we were really interested in.
We then drove to Medford and proceeded to search for some of the houses for sale...not that we could buy anything just yet, but we were curious to see what prices were like, and what KIND of houses money could buy.
We drove by some really cute houses in really crappy areas...and then started finding more and more places we liked. I then found my "dream street" - "Queen Anne Place" (I'm SO not kidding about the name)

We're talking TREE-CANOPIED streets here people!
And those older victorian style homes...that I LOVE. We actually saw little kids jumping into piles of leaves in their front yard, and people walking their dogs on this street.
We drove 2 blocks down and found an brick elementary school - I swear, it was unreal how picturesque this place was.
I even accidentally captured a weird artsy kind of picture...check out the rays of sun...

After driving around Medford for quite a while - we headed up to Grants Pass to see if we could find a place to sleep for the night. We ended up getting there after dark, and found a place by the Rogue River. We could HEAR the River, but we couldn't actually see it until morning. When I woke up and walked out onto our balcony, this is what I saw:

Pretty huh?
We then headed into a historic little place called Jacksonville...which is currently my dream town. I'm a dumbass because I didn't get ANY pictures of it. I was so enthralled with the trees, and the houses, and the LAND, and the sweet little town, and trying to figure out how we could possibly afford to live there...that I just plain forgot that I had a camera in my hand. Yes, it was THAT CUTE.
From there, we headed out of town, and into MORE TREES...on our way to Crater Lake, we were surrounded by State Park the entire way there. This is pretty much what it looked like the entire way:

COWS!!! (just hangin out in a I the only one who thinks that's wierd?)

And finally, Crater Lake...yay!
For those of you who don't know - Crater Lake is actually the inside of a volcano. The inside of it just collapsed, and after centuries it collected enough rain water and run-off to become a lake. The water is so crystal blue, there is no way to capture it on a camera.
Another fact about Crater Lake? It gets COLD up demonstrated:
To be continued....I PROMISE
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