Wednesday, April 18, 2007

So we're having a party...of sorts.

I have to announce that TODAY - my baby is a year old.
Our sweet puppy went from this:
To This:
It absolutely BAFFLES me how fast the time has gone. We got her when she was 8 weeks old, and now she's fully grown. Hubs and I look at pictures of when she was little and we wish we could go back and snuggle her!

So despite some major eye rolling and gimme a break comments - we decided at the last minute to have a pizza party tonight at our house. My parents are bringing their dog Libby, and my brother and his family are bringing their dog Jasper. Hubster found a recipe online for dog friendly cakes and made some peanut butter and carrot cupcakes with whipped cottage cheese frosting (ahem...YUCK). My oldest neice is making all 3 dogs party hats - so hopefully they'll keep them on long enough for me to get a picture. I know, I know - it's completely ridiculous to have a birthday party for your dog...but we don't have kids, and we figure when we DO have kids - we'll probably forget her birthday, so we might as well live it up now while we can. Besides, any excuse for pizza and cake right?

My brother said his friends at work were trying to convince him to go out tonight and this is the conversation that took place:

"I can't, I have a birthday party to go to"
"oh yeah? whose birthday? one of the kids?"
"uhhh,'s for, sister's dog"
"dude, if you don't want to go, just say so - you don't have to lie"

I'd say this is a serious indication that Hubster and I have officially entered Nerdville with this whole birthday business.

Last night, we discovered that she was trying to send us a message about what she wants for her birthday. See, we found out that she LOVES SOCCER. Seriously, she can block and kick and she makes a darn good goalie. But her soccer ball was getting kind of deflated and easy for her to pick up with her teeth. We should have taken it as a hint that she needed a new one - but of course we are self she decided to send us a louder message.

(how appropriate that it says Attacker) And just in case you ever wanted to see what the inside of a soccer ball is made ofThe culprit was quite proud of herself, and as you can see - she is CLEARLY expecting a new soccer ball for her birthday...

I'm sure tonight will be full of hilarity, which I will of course try to capture on film.


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