The hair. The boy has got a massive head of's one of the main things people comment on. I've been putting off a haircut because he just seemed too little- and it was getting these curlies at the back of his neck and they were so cute, I just couldn't bring myself to cut his hair yet. But lately he's been looking a bit more like a raggamuffin, and the hair was getting "helmety", so I took a deep breath and admitted defeat. It was time to cut the hair. Only I had no idea where to take him to get it done, and the more I thought about it - I didn't think that him sitting on my lap while some stranger messed with his head would go over very well with him. I figured there would be screaming...lots of screaming. And I didn't want to pay for screaming because I'm cheap like that. So I decided to do it myself (dun-dun-DUUUUN). I watched a few videos online, bought some actual hair cutting scissors, a comb and a spray bottle, and figured if I messed it up really good, we'd at least have some good pictures of his hair before we had to buzz his head...haha. We brought his high chair into the office and popped in a video of Veggies Tales, Jonah and the Whale. He LOVES Veggie Tales and gets super focused when one is on, so we figured that would be a good distraction. I got snacks and a sippy cup of juice and took of bunch of before pictures:

Hubs took some "during" pictures:

And here's the AFTER pictures:

To me...he looks like he's ready to sling a backpack over his shoulder and head out the door to school while calling out "see ya mom!" as he lets the screen door slam. Seriously, when did my baby turn into such a little boy???????????????????
He's 10 months old today by the way...ay-yi-yi
OMG! I'm totally impressed. I've been cutting Paige's hair, but she's a girl- so it only needs to be in a straight line...nothing too fancy.
He looks, so, so handsome :)
WOW! Great job! Sadly, Henry has about 800 cow licks (?) that makes his hair grow in 800 different directions so we stick to the buzz cut...You did so good! Btw, love te park pictures! yay for blogging...FINALLY! That wasn't so hard now was it??? :)
wow, good job! enjoy that beautiful hair... my boys have thin hair like me. the longer josh's gets, the worse it looks. daddy just always shaves josh's head, but then i think he just looks like a giant baby. =)
He is such a doll! I love the haircut!
He's cute. Good job on the haircut!
You did SUCH a great job!!!
And yeah, when Theo's haircut was over with I almost wept because he aged a million years and yes, I thought he was going to ask to borrow the car!
10 months OMG! So old! But so stinkin' cute :-)
wow you did a great job!!!!! ohhh he looks so cute... he is turning into a little boy - what happened to the baby?!?
WOW!!! It looks Awesome! AND...he looks so OLD!!! He does look like he's ready to sling a backpack over his shoulder and head off to school. Just'll be taking those pictures before you know it :-)
Wowie! Nice job! He's so HANDSOME! I'm totally impressed! You're right, he looks so old all of a sudden. Pretty soon, you'll be planning his birthday!
i'm totally impressed!!! he's so handsome! you did a great job. can i bring L over for a trim?
AWWWW! Little AJ looks so adorable with his new haircut! I love it - great job K!
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