She wants to know what it says on the shirt that hubs is wearing in this picture:

So, hubs and my brother AJ get together about once a week and watch a show on the BBC called Top Gear. It's actually a really good show, very funny and entertaining...but also all about cars and anything else with a motor in it. They have a professional driver on the show called The Stig....who's a total badass, and each week drives a different car around a track and they rate it against all the others. Usually the cars are super expensive high end cars... Nobody knows what The Stig looks like because he's always wearing a white driving suit and a helmet. So last year for Christmas, we got my brother a shirt

and then for hub's birthday - they gave HIM a shirt (they were a wee bit worried he'd be offended....but when hubs cracked up and proceeded to put it on and wear it proudly, they stopped worrying) 

I should do a post about hubs and all his nutty t-shirts one day...
You should all know that when I met him, he always wore PRESSED long pants...a button down shirt with a leather jacket...and perfectly gelled hair. He wouldn't be caught dead in shorts and a way. And then we started dating - and it was a downhill slide after that. He doesn't wear anything BUT shorts and t-shirts. And ironing doesn't exist in our world - it's all about a wet washcloth and a toss in the dryer. Classy!
I think I ruined him...
OMG! That's awesome (maybe someday you'll get to see my special signing shirt)
wow...i don't even go so far as to put in the wet washcloth! actually though, i am in love with the downey wrinkle release spray. i just spray down the offending article and pop it in the dryer...mmmm!
I think she's seen your special shirt - I might have sent her a photo.
I totally want to see the shirt collection - he should put on a fashion show.
I especially like the "I used to be a____"
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