Anyway - we've lived in our house for 11 months. Our hall bathroom is huge, and for most people would be FUN to decorate. I remember my sister-in-law walking in and saying "oh wow, this would be perfect for a BEACH THEME with white and seashells and it would be SO CUTE!"
Yeah, well my sister-in-law puts MARTHA to shame, so I'm sure that she could make it adorable...but me? not so much.
The bathroom has white walls...white sink...we bought white cabinets and a white bench...and it has pale blue tiles in it. ALOT of wall space to decorate and yet, in 11 months I have done NOTHING in there. Sure, I put a white cabinet in there...and sure I put a white bench in there...but stuff on the walls? NOPE....any COLOR going on in there? NADA
I am decor-challenged. Either that, or I just don't care...hahaha - I think it's a little of both.
BUT - once in a while, I get inspired...and AMANDA inspired me. She gave hubster and I the most beautiful mosaic mirrors and specifically for the bathroom because she thought they'd be perfect in there...and my gosh - she's right!
Here is one mirror:

beautiful eh? not the best picture - but trust me - they are GORGEOUS...
So anyway, here they are in my bathroom:
I LOVE them...and now I am inspired. I hung up a little hook thing for robes, and hubster and I bought some white shelves to put up that I can put - DECORATIONS on...
Also, Amanda once gave us a Van Gogh painting of the Starry Night - Starry Sky, or whatever it's called and it's all blue and I think it'll go PERFECTLY in yes - COLOR and DECOR IT SHALL BE! WOOOO
I still have a long ways to go - but it's a start right?
Also? She gave us this too - and lo and behold it's hung up and we love it :)
Thanks Amanda :)
Also? Does anyone else think this is funny?
My pleasure =)
They look really good in there! Nice job girl.
They look FAB! Amanda is da bomb, huh? I'm passing on my idea to you seeing as my bathroom is so freakin' small (can reach out the shower and turn eggs in the skillet like in the TV ad...heheheh)...galvanized bucket or trough type container filled 2/3 with sand and then can put your bottles of soap, lotion, etc. and it can sit on the that lil shelf you can even decorate the outside of the bucket with's sorta beachy and i have some sand dollars to donate too....of course, giving you some great ideas so i can invite you over for a day of painting with me..hehehehe...i'm thinking of doing a faux finish on the living room and it will take 2 people....anyway, the mirrors are gorgeous!
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