Laundry Room Before:

And from the other direction:
Gross - clothes piled everywhere...on the counter, on the washer and dryer, on the floor...muddy paw prints, etc, etc...(cat's everywhere - this room is like a where's waldo of cat's)
aaaaaaand After *sigh of relief*:

aaaaaaand After *sigh of relief*:

Okay, I gotta boast about my brilliant hubster for just a minute here. We've had issues with the pup "partaking of the almond roca buffet" that is housed in the cabinet next to the dryer shown above. We knew we needed to block it off somehow so that the dog couldn't get in there, but the cat's still could. It also needed to be easily removable so that I could clean the litter box (which happens often since we have THREE stinky buttinskies) . SO, before I know it, my hubby has busted out some snippers and grabbed our baby gate and thus created THIS:

Is my hubs just the best or what? It's friggin PERFECT - and now I'm thinking we should market something along these lines for other folks with canines who luuuuurve the poopage.
(since we have a dog with perhaps the most sensitive stomach on the planet...this was a major issue that needed immediate attention - not to mention OY HOW SHE NEEDED A BREATHMINT!)
Moving along...after marveling over my lovely laundry room and doing 7943 loads of laundry (and I'm still not done), I went to the hall bathroom...which although not too bad, looked like this:

and from the other direction:

I must say, our kitchen is STILL clean - which honestly, is probably a record for us. There are no dirty dishes in the sink, no pots on the stove, nothing piled on the dining table - I'm haaaaappy. I love, love, love having a clean house - I feel much more relaxed and not so overwhelmed. I still have the guest room and the office to tackle, both rooms that look like a bomb went off because we've just been tossing stuff in there. BUT, tonight I will be starting on the guest room. The bed in there is piled high with presents that need to be wrapped - so I think hubs and I will be tackling that while we watch a movie tonight....just having those out of there will help immensely. I have high hopes that we can accomplish those two rooms before Christmas! MAYBE..just maybe, I can start 2007 with a clean and organized home!
Till tomorrow folks,
Till tomorrow folks,
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