- Adam weighs exactly 15 pounds
- He likes to hold his own bottle now
- He's VERY ticklish
- He either sleeps through the night or wakes up once around 3:30 or 4am
- He's still sleeping in the cradle next to me - but we're gonna transition him to his crib in the next week or so
- He loves his exersaucer, his activity mat, veggie tales, and all our pets
- He's a major chatterbox and has ALOT to say
- He's waaay more serious around other people than I anticipated my kid would be
- He loves books and loves being read to
- He loves baths and water in general and toooootally digs showering with one of us (great way to calm him down if he's fussy)
- He can out-burp and out-fart us both...very impressive
- He's fascinated with whistling
- He has a massive noggin...90th percentile...I think I literally gave birth to Charlie Brown
- He HATES the vacuum - screams his bloody head off
- He grabs at everything - I now understand why mom's chop off all their hair
- He usually stops smiling when he sees the camera, so I have to take the opportunity when other people are here
- He's very suspicious of other people...he stares and studies for a while before breaking out in a smile
He's an awesome little man - and I can hardly remember life without him :)

(3 weeks old)

he is growing up sooo fast :) so cute!!! LOVE all the pics!
he is so cute i want to squeeze him!!!!!
he has more hair then L, he is so flippin cute!!! haha
A3 xoxo
Adorable! Seriously cute. He's such a little man now... love all the pictures!
Love the double post in a week! Thanks!
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