Okay so I've been kinda scattered with this whole photo project thing...but I've been sick, so I'm using that as an excuse. Finally went to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with what they originally thought was strep - but ended up being "just a really nasty sore throat and some laryngitis (or however you spell that)"...which of course made me feel like kind of a schmuck for going to the doctor in the first place. But he hooked me up with some killer steroids that knocked out my sore throat and now I'm stuck with the "sexy phlegm" voice which comes and goes. This morning I was whispering, but now I just sound like a heavy smoker.
I snapped this picture this morning when my friend Kelli and her daughter Addison met up with Adam and I at a local coffee house that happens to have a big ole playyard in the back, which was awesome because we could sit and chat and our kids were running around having a ball and burning off energy together. It's great to be able to let the kids do that and still be able to have our coffee and chatty time out of the house and in the fresh air. Although it was kinda chilly today, even if it was sunny and pretty out. Here are some other pictures I snapped from this morning...

Hmm, I think I might be stuck...
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