Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Birthing Class Stories - Episode 1
If I had to venture a guess, I'd say we're probably the oldest ones in the class - which is kinda scary. There is one other couple who MIGHT be close to our age, but it's hard to tell.
So the first thing we see upon walking in the room is that up on the board, there is a list of questions - name, due date, dr's name, job title, etc, etc. - It was like the first day of school when you have to stand up and say your name and one word that describes you or some crap like that. I HATE that...
So she goes around the room and asks each couple each question, as well as what type of labor you plan on having (natural or drugs) and what your feelings are about labor.
Everyone is being so sweet about it and saying things like "well, we're really trying for a natural birth...and we're really excited and anticipating this day...maybe a little nervous - but more so excited and can't wait!"
There were a couple of people who admitted they were a bit anxious - but they would add on how thrilled and excited they were and it was all very sweet and nice.
When she got us though - Hubs said " far as the drugs go - BRING EM ON- for both of us!". Some people laughed - some didn't. I'm not sure if they know that we're totally serious about that. I don't see the point of being uncomfortable if I don't have to be. Course I know, it might not work out the way I think - but I'm all for taking drugs, and have no actual intention of purposefully going without.
When he answered how he was feeling about labor, his response was "blllllggggghhhhhh!" and my response was "as far as labor is concerned...I'm not even gonna lie - I'm scared to death!"
and the instructor was nodding her head and going "ooookay, allright...well we'll try to help you with that - have you ever seen a real birth before?"
and I said "yes, yes I have - but I'm not sure that helped - I think it just scared the crap outta me"
So basically, already our answers were pretty bold compared to everyone else's. I personally think that out of the 12 couples in that class, I can't possibly be the only one who's terrified of shooting a kid out of my vagina - so they're a buncha liars...but whatever.
We're all within just a few weeks of each other, and everyone is a totally different shape so it's kinda funny to look around the room at all these pregnant women in one place. There is one couple there who can't be more than 18...and not only did she not know the name of her doctor - but she also didn't know how many weeks she was ("I only know months" she said...which is flippin WEIRD) and also when asked if they'd chosen a pediatrician - they didn't seem to know what that was. Very odd. I worry for the future.
Anyway - so here we start out being the only ones who admitted to wanting drugs and being completely freaked out...and we're the only ones who don't know what we're having, which apparantly is more unusual than I first thought. We're also the only ones who won't be breastfeeding (I have medical reasons people...don't bug me - I would if I could) and we're the only ones with a doctor who has a porno sounding last name...So yeah, feeling a weeeee bit like the outcasts already.
The thing I can't stand about the class is that we have to sit on these hard ass chairs for 2 hours...NOT COMFORTABLE. Oh yeah, and we watched a video of a mexican woman giving birth in her tub at home. They didn't show a whole lot because she was in the tub - so no up close crotch shots or anything, but after it was over, I looked over and hubs eyeballs were popping out of his head and he leaned over and whispered loudly " you think it's too late to change our mind?"
Ummm, ya think?
The instructor was full of information about dialating and effacing and she busted out a baby and a pelvis to show us how that all goes down - at one point she pulled off the baby's head...which cracked me up cause she just yanked it off.....then she pulled out this weird sock looking thing what was supposed to mimic a uterus...and proceeded to squeeze the baby's head through the sock hole. I couldn't help it - I was cracking up! (yes, I'm 12 years old) There's just something really jacked up about seeing a fake baby head coming out of a striped blue me crazy.
I'm kinda wondering if this class is going to make me feel better about the whole labor thing - or if it's just going to freak me out even more. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A Shameful Admission...
I have a confession to make. Something I'm extremely embarrassed to admit - and I can't believe I've let my procrastination skills reach such a degree.
You remember a few posts ago when I mentioned that I still have my wedding dress crumbled in a bag in my closet, and have yet to get it cleaned? Well, that's pretty ridiculous considering I've now been married all of SIX YEARS. But it's nothing compared to the fact that I have an appointment this afternoon to meet with our wedding photographers to finally turn in my selection of pictures for our wedding album.
Yes folks, I was married six years ago - and have spent the last six years with an album of proofs floating around my house, and have yet to get our wedding photo album pictures chosen or turned in.
First of all - I'm damn lucky the photographers are still even in the area....because everything is paid for, it's just been a matter of me sitting down and selecting the pictures for our album and turning them in to the photographers so they can create our lovely memory book.
I have no wedding pictures of us in our house - nobody on either side of our family have any wedding pictures of us - and I am probably the most ridiculous person ever to even have HAD a wedding....considering my procrastination skills.
I seriously think that we got married - and I said "WHEW! well I'm glad THAT'S over...let's get on with life" and didn't think about anything wedding related after that.
I've honestly never even sat down and watched our entire wedding video...
Sooooo - yesterday, I decided enough was nesting skills are in full force, and I've been feeling the distinct need to tie up all my "loose ends". Meaning, all the crap that sits in the back of my head in that "oh yeah, I need to do that..." section.
I called the photographers and made an appointment for this afternoon. I asked her if I won the prize for biggest slacker and she laughed and said surprisingly I'm not actually the worst she's ever had. "It's pretty unusual" she said...but definately not the worst.
I spent over an hour last night going through our entire album and selecting pictures for our album and both parent albums. Funny how going through that album really sent me back to that day and how I was feeling and how much I hated my hair...hahaha - until I fixed it right before the ceremony. That day is such a blur for me - I remember I wasn't nervous at all until RIGHT before I was walking down the aisle and I realized every single person in that room was staring at me and I started to panic. I got up there and I was willing to say whatever I needed to say to get OFF THAT STAGE. I must really love hubs alot because I'm terrified of doing anything in public, much less on a stage in front of tons of people.
I looked at pictures of my neices who were so little - Keeley was one of my flower girls and only 2 years she's EIGHT. That trips me out.
Anyway - all this to say that I am FINALLY submitting my pictures and clearing out my procrastination box. I feel like when I actually get that album in my hands - a weight will have been lived off my shoulders. I have to wonder why I do this to myself? Why do I let so much time go by before I take care of the things that hang around in my head?
I'm not sure...but it does feel good to finally do something about it.
All you scrapbookers out there must truly be appalled. ha!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Story of US
It's absolutely crazy to me that we've been married 6 years already...and even more crazy to me that we're about to have our first kid. Over the last couple of days, I've been reminiscing about when we first met, and how we got together, and how wierd life can be sometimes.
SO - I honestly can't remember if I've told "our story" before on this blog (who came up with the word blog anyway? it's annoying - I prefer journal instead of baaalaaawg) but I don't have the patience to dig through archives and find out....SO I decided to tell it anyway.
Let me start out by saying that I have a friend named Amanda - we've known each other since we were 4 years old, and she's like a sister to me. We haven't lived in the same town since we were about 6 or 7, but we've always stayed close and our families visited each other often. If it weren't for Amanda, I never would have met hubs...and even after meeting him - I sometimes wonder if we would have gotten together without her insistance that we were perfect for each other. SHE KNEW, long before I did....that hubs and I were meant to be.
We initially met about 3 1/2 years before we actually got together...while I was up in the Bay area visiting Amanda...a bunch of us went out to a comedy club in the city. Of course I was with "the chair" boyfriend at the time, and wasn't in THAT frame of mind. But over the next few years Amanda kept hinting that I should dump my loser and go out with this friend of hers I had met, because she thought we'd be good together. From time to time, I'd call her at work and she'd be on the phone with him and I'd say "oh, well tell him hello" and he would do the same back and that's just how it was over the next few years. She would tell me funny things he'd done - or talk about some girl he was dating - and then mention that he and I would be a good match and remind me to kick my current relationship to the curb. ha!
When I finally got smart and broke up with my ex....amanda tried to arrange for us to get together quite a few times - but somehow it just never worked out. To be quite honest, I was ready to be single for a while anyway - I didn't want to jump right into another relationship right off the bat. I loved living alone and doing my own thing, and didn't want to think about MEN for a while.
Well then in November of 2001, Amanda's younger sister got married - and I went to the wedding, and unbeknownst to me...was seated right next to hubs (sneaky amanda) who I didn't even know would be there. We chatted - and he asked me to dance - I was nervous as hell, and while there was definately a spark between us...and SOMETHING there, the practical side of me said "you're crazy, he lives in San Francisco...never gonna happen".
Which is funny because a few months later we were engaged. All our friends thought we were insane (I think even amanda thought that) because we hardly knew each other and didn't even live in the same town. I got lectures from my friends and family and he got lectures from his friends and family...but somehow, we both just knew it was right. I've always heard that when you know, YOU KNOW - and that's it...and I finally understood what that meant. Eventually all our friends and family did too because when they saw us together, you could just tell it was right.
We did the long distance engagement thing for a year - did all the premarital counseling sessions and saw each other as much as possible. Hubs moved here December 2001 and we got married January 26th 2002.
Hubs was hot to trot to start a family, but I was like "whoa - let's BE MARRIED for a while first" we agreed to wait 3 years. Then 3 years came and went and we were both kinda feeling like "wow, that was fast...we're not ready yet". Another year and a half went by before we finally decided to go off the pill and just let nature take it's course. Exactly one year later, I was in the bathroom at work staring at a positive pregnancy test in complete disbelief. And here we are, celebrating 6 years of marriage, and preparing to have our first baby. I don't think we had any idea that we would wait this long, and yet part of me feels like the time has just whizzed by.
I truly cherish all the alone time we've had together, and I love the fact that our relationship is strong and stable because I feel like that's the best gift we could possibly give our child. We truly are best friends, and I couldn't ask for anything more. While we do have our tiffs every now and then - our house is constantly filled with love and especially laughter, and while I can be sappy and heartfelt - hubs can OUT-SAP me any day of the week...and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Last night, we were getting ready for bed and chatting about how we can't believe it's been 6 years already, and I said "you ready to do six more?" and he said "only if you add a zero to the end of that", and as I climbed into bed and put his hand on my thumping belly....I think we both felt like even 60 years, is just not enough time.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my mom took me to the doctor because I was consistently dealing with a stuffy nose. Well of course, they told her I had allergies and to get rid of our pets and all my stuffed animals and try to make my bedroom as dust free as possible. If I remember correctly she chuckled when the doctor said that because she KNEW that wasn't going to happen. I sooooo did not care that I had a stuffy nose, or that our cats would make my eyes itch - I simply could not live without my pets, I would have been a miserable child. At the time, we had 2 cats and 2 guinea pigs. A few years later, we moved out to the country and ended up with 2 dogs, 3 cats, a bunny rabbit, and the guinea pigs. I was in heaven with all my animals and was more than willing to deal with allergies.
Now here I am with three cats and a dog and while it can be chaotic sometimes - and yes, I still have allergy issues as well as some asthma issues....I just love it. There is nothing like coming home to a houseful of unconditional love.
One of the things we try and do almost every weekend is go to the dog park. It kinda sucks because it's quite a drive to get out there, but Georgia loves it so much that we feel it's very important for her to have that social interaction being that she's our only dog. We always meet and chat with the nicest people out there...I'm not sure what it is exactly - but there is just a certain comraderie between dog owners, so it's been a nice social thing for hubs and I as well.
We've attended fundraisers and dog park workdays helping to spread woodchips and things like that....and really wishing we had a dog park closer to home so we could go more often. We became members of the local dog park association in hopes that eventually one would be approved here in town closer to home.
Last night, we attended a city council meeting about the dog park, and the public hearing for that subject alone lasted almost 2 hours. Being pregnant and all, sitting anywhere for 2 hours is not exactly comfortable - but it was fascinating hearing what everyone had to say on the matter. Back in August, the city council approved the dog park - but then some local residents became up in arms about it and everything got stuck in appeal. So last night was a last ditch effort for everyone involved. Some residents stood up and expressed their concerns...some very VALID concerns - some just completely ridiculous concerns....and while it was easy to see their point of view...those of us who actually attend the dog park with frequency knew that their worries would not be an issue. There is an apartment building owner across the street from the park who had hired a lawyer/spokesperson and spent WAAAAY too long at the podium and bringing up some ridiculous points of view that had alot of us just rolling our eyes.
Anyway - when all was said and done...the city council had done a good job with their poker faces and none of were sure which way they were going to vote. One by one, each council member voiced themselves in favor of the park - and so we won 5-0...hands down! It's so exciting because now it's like a done deal, no more appeals - we're actually going to get a dog park.
Course it still has to be built and fundraisers have to be done and all the logistics still have to be worked out...but we're on our way. I have a feeling I could potentially be there almost every day - sometimes there's just nothing better than a worn out and happy dog - and a cup of coffee with friends :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Chair
Let me explain.
Once upon a time, at the mere age of 19 - I made the decision to move in with a boyfriend. We had been together a little over a year, and of course I knew EVERYTHING back then, and I was sick of living at home by my parents rules. I was trying to find a place of my own, but nobody would rent to me because I didn't have any rental history, and my parents weren't about to cosign for me (can't blame them at all for that by the way) boyfriend at the time wasn't getting along with his roommate and wanted to get his own place too - so one day, strictly out of convenience it seems, we decided to just get a place together. Looking back on that time, it's all very ODD how it happened because there was never a big discussion of "let's move in together and take our relationship to the next level" was more like "hey, do you wanna?" - and "sure, let's do it".
dumb, dumb, dumb - stupid, stupid, stupid
But I digress....anyway, he was a nice enough guy, and we got along great - and despite my parents and family and friends all knowing I'd made a huge mistake...things calmed down after my initial move out and we lived in our first apartment for a couple of years, and then moved to a bigger and nicer apartment...which is when I decided that I really wanted a papasan chair. Back then I think I tried way too hard to be agreeable and avoid confrontation, so I pretty much let him call the shots - and he was completely opposed to getting a papasan chair. I would bring it up from time to time, and it was always a resounding NO from his corner. It was a real sore point for me because our apartment looked like a bachelor pad...seriously - a big ass stereo, guitars, posters, 2nd hand couches, etc, etc - but the ONE thing I really wanted, I wasn't allowed to have - and for some reason I allowed that to happen.
I was with this guy for a total of 4 and half years...and I KICK MYSELF for all things I let him get away with in our relationship. I was way too passive, and didn't stand up for what was important to me as much as I should have. I finally got smart and knew I was never going to marry him, and got the courage to initiate the break up. He took it well, I think he kinda knew that we were going in different directions as well....but then he proceeded to take his sweet time finding his own place (which is what we had agreed on by the way). We lived as roommates for a few months...until we finally found an apartment he could afford and I really had to just PUSH him out at that point. Why would he leave when I was still keeping the place tidy and doing laundry and cooking dinner? And what the hell was I thinking continuing to DO all that stuff? I have no idea...
Anyway - the first thing I bought after he moved out? MY PAPASAN CHAIR. I went and bought the one I wanted, and put it in the living room and did my own little victory dance because I was finally on my own and I had finally gotten smart about my life's decisions. It's ridiculous that it took me so much time to finally realize what I wanted out of life, and do something about it. But that chair was definately a symbol for me - I called it my "independence chair", and it just reminded me how good it felt to finally decide that what I wanted was important...and my feelings shouldn't just be cast aside.
When hubs came into my life, he knew all about the chair and it's symbol to me...and as much as he hated the thing - he knew it was important and never made me get rid of it. He would suggest it sometimes, like when we bought a new couch and matching chair - and then had this huge monstrosity of a chair crammed in a room because there was no room for it anywhere else...but he fully respected WHY I just couldn't get rid of it. That's the great thing about hubs...he may not have liked that chair - but he understood it was important to me, and he cared more about that than anything else. I definately married the right guy!
So last weekend, I was cleaning and getting prepared for company...and I was vacuuming that chair. I took a break and sat on our sofa and stared at it, realizing that I'd had the thing for 7 years. It had been taking up space in my house and remained a symbol of my independence for 7 years. I sat there and I thought about how often I really ever sat in that chair, and even when I'm not pregnant - it seems to be more of a cat bed and a clutter zone than anything...and why on earth would I need my independence symbol when hubs gives me all the independence I need, and what we have is almost a complete opposite from my previous relationship? Now I'm about to have a baby and my life is going to change completely...and I'm at a totally different place in my life then I was at that age. I don't NEED that symbol in my life anymore, you know? I have everything I want and more.
So I resolutely took the cushion out of the chair - decided to give it to Georgia for a dog bed...and hauled that big ole thing out of my house and into the driveway. I took another chair from our office that we didn't really have the room for, and placed that in the living room and decided I really liked how much extra space I had just created. Hubs came home and didn't say a WORD about the I finally said "so ummm, did you notice what's sitting outside?" - and he said "well yeah, but I didn't want to assume anything in case you were cleaning it or something"
and I looked at him and said "hun, I've decided to let it go"
and he looked at me with huge eyes and said "really? are you sure? you're really ready to get rid of it?"
and I nodded affirmatively - "I'm READY" I said.
He jumped up and said "well allllllright! let's do this!"
and proceeded to make a big sign that said FREE and he dragged that chair down our driveway out to the street. 20 minutes later, it was gone. My independence chair tossed into someone's truck and hauled off to take up space in someone else's house.
Oddly enough, I felt lighter once that thing was gone. After thinking about it, I realized, that perhaps instead of being a symbol of my independence...over the years, it had just become a reminder of a past relationship...and a reminder of some bad decisions I had made...and a reminder that I had let another person make decisions FOR me, instead of with me.
I now sit in a completely different chair, in my now spacious living room, with my hand on my belly, and I think about how different my life is now, and how much I've changed, and how much I have to look forward to. And I smile...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Time flies
We had our ultrasound on Friday, and everything looks great - the kidneys are fine, no more extra fluid in there. Hubs ended up being able to go, his bosses caved and let him come in a bit we had both my parents and hubs in there - which was pretty funny because the doctor walked in and his eyes got all wide "oh man, I better make sure I do a good job this morning because I've got quite the audience!"
At one point during the ultrasound - he was measuring the baby's head, and he looked at me and goes "allright, who's responsible for this big head?" and we all raised our hands, even my parents...hahaha - he patted me on the arm and said "good luck to ya"
GREAT - so my critter will be sporting a giant noggin, think stretchy thoughts people! haha
Also? the kid does NOT like the ultrasound wand because wherever the doctor went - he'd get kicked and thumped.
He got a pretty good 3D facial picture and let me tell you it's SO WEIRD to see this because our kid has hub's nose and lips to a tee. If I hold the picture up next to his face, the resemblence is unreal.
I keep staring at this picture because I find it so bizarre. That's my KID in there. At what point will this ever seem real? I'm starting to wonder...
Also, that was our last ultrasound - so the next time we see this baby, it'll be HERE.
So Friday morning I piled Georgia into the car, and dropped by my brother's house to pick up Jasper, and my parents ended up bringing their dog Libby to the doctor's office too - so once we were done, mom went to get Libby and she was going to come with me to the dog park, since I had the day off. Well when she opened the door to put Libby in - Jasper hopped out and then Georgia hopped out and then Libby backed herself out of the collar. The next 5 minutes were a calamity of mom and I trying to round up dogs who were STOOOKED to be out of the car and running around a parking lot. I was freaking out because G does not come when I call her and so I have this huge fear that she'll run out into the street and get hit by a car, and Libby lives out in the country - and isn't so good about coming when called either - so mom was trying to round her up - while I'm running around with my big ole belly trying to round up my naughty dog who's just having the time of her life running between offices and cars and soooo not listening to me. Jasper was good and got right back into the car and just watched the scene play out - mom finally grabbed Libby and got HER back in the car...and I finally yelled enough at G that she layed down in the parking lot and let me walk up and grab her. She knew she was busted because I was NOT HAPPY. Mom and I both got in the car and looked at each other and said "what the HELL were we thinking taking 3 dogs to the dog park?" - hahaha
Well, after a stop at Starbucks...we drove all the way out there and they had a blast and came home VERY tired, so it was definately worth it - I just don't know how soon I'll have that bright idea again.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
More random thoughts...
-I've discovered that I can't sit very comfortably anymore. Sitting on the couch, I'm only good for a few minutes of regular sitting before I end up in the leaned back to make room for the belly position...and even then, I'm still not comfortable and I find myself fidgeting alot or getting up and fussing around the house.

This one was during Christmas while I was wrapping stuff - I had set this box out to package some stuff up and looked over and found that Not-So-Tiny had crammed his big butt into this thing...
well this was just the most random post thoughts are all over the place today!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
As you can all see - hubs was wearing his big giant "I'm humble" button last night in the comments:
Anonymous said...
Once again that hunk of a husband of yours comes to the rescue. I can only dream of having a man like that..rrrrrr(tiger growl)
I have to state FOR THE RECORD (HUBS) - that I'm the one who sanded and spackled and sanded and sweat over that darn desk...yeah, yeah, he painted it - but I did the hardest part. hahaha - so stop taking all the credit there mr. tiger growl.
So I have an ultrasound on Friday, and hubs was supposed to have the day off - but his bosses aren't cooperating, and even though my appt is at 8:30am, they STILL won't even let him come in late that day...which really sucks. But, there's nothing we can do, so I called my mom last night to see if she wanted to come with me - and turns out my DAD wants to go too!
He's been super sappy about this whole event and keeps hugging me and saying "I can't believe my baby is having a baby"'s all really very sweet. So yes, I'll be going to my appt with both my parents in tow. Mom and I were laughing about how I'll be stereotyped as the teen mom who's parents will be helping raise the kid. I told her I'd gladly put my hair in pigtails and sport the high top converse to boost my 15 year old image. HA!
Who was thrilled to see the last one - and dad's never ever seen an ultrasound in action before, so he's gonna be stoked to see his grandbaby on that screen.
I have the day off - so I think I'm gonna bring Georgia and maybe my brother's dog Jasper...and maybe even my parents dog Libby and take them to the dog park afterwards - let them run around and wear each other out for a bit.
Okay, I'm off to dive into a big pile of paperwork....
***Oh, and thank you Jeannette for sending the recall list. I did check it - and I specifically didn't pick a crib with a drop down rail because of all the dangers popping up in recent news. I do appreciate the heads up though :)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Busy, Busy

Those back feet just kill me...this is his "don't bother me" face.
Honestly - in my head, I figured sanding would take maybe a couple of hours...not all damn afternoon...but that's exactly how long it took. The bookshelf is one that my dad built when I was about 4 years old - and hadn't been painted since, so it was pretty hammered and the paint on that sucker was THICK. I wasn't trying to get all the paint off - but I wanted to at least have a smooth surface to repaint, you know? I mentioned to my mom how long it took and she goes "oh yeah, that must have been during your dad's enamel paint phase of 1981" - ha! Apparantly he thought enamel paint was the bomb back then...nevermind that it went on like MUD.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Operation Baby Update
Unfortunately, I gained FIVE POUNDS since my last appointment, which was only a month ago. Yeesh - that's the most I've gained so far...that puts me at 12 pounds total. Doc said that's actually pretty good for being almost 28 weeks and I shouldn't worry about it - but 5 pounds in 4 weeks just seems like alot to me. He chalked it up to the holidays and told me to not to think about it and just try to eat healthy and drink lots of water. I think I've been lacking with the water thing lately...and the eating healthy I can definately focus more on both.
He found the heartbeat right away and said it's good and strong, and then told me that the baby is in a breech position - which explains why the top of my belly is so hard, but all the kicking is way down low. (which reminds me...ahem, kid? you think you could stop doing LORD OF THE DANCE on my bladder? thanks) He said this is also normal and that the baby will change positions alot between now and birth. I'm now switched from 4 week appts to a 3 week appt - and then down to 2 weeks and then 1 week and then there will be a BABY IN DA HOUSE. Frickin wierd.
So that's the update for now - we have an ultrasound scheduled for the 18th to check the fluid levels in the baby's I'm hoping to have some pretty good pics to share. Hubs and I are planning on taking the day off together and setting up some appts with a few pediatricians we'd like to meet. Doc said that's our next step, and we should start "interviewing" and making a decision. Again..frickin wierd.
This weekend is supposed to be sunny and clear, so the plan is for hubs to start painting the room - and I'm gonna start sanding furniture for repainting. It would be AWESOME to have it all done by this weekend so we can actually start setting up the room...but I'm trying not to count on it because things like this usually take alot longer than expected. We have a bookshelf, a desk (changing table), and a dresser to sand and paint, so we'll see how it goes. It'll be nice to start washing some of the blankets and clothes we've been given and start putting things away. I'll have to try to remember to take before and after pictures.
*speaking of washing...thanks for all your comments about Dreft - I shared them all with hubs and we both think we'll take Jeannette's suggestion and just buy one box and finish it out before we try the stuff we normally use. All thoughts were greatly appreciated, so thanks!
So I have this book list over on the sidebar - and I can't remember exactly why I started doing that, other than maybe I was curious to see exactly how many books I read in one year. I read 28 books in 2007, so that's about 2 books per month. I'm curious how my reading is gonna go once this critter shows up - I love to curl up on the sofa with a good book, but I have a feeling mommy time is going to crowd out reading time. Lately, I haven't been reading as much, other than right before bed, and usually I can only get a chapter or two in before my eyeballs start to roll back in my head and sleep wins out. The book I'm currently reading is one I started on the 1st, and here it is the 9th and I'm not even halfway through. Course it's a ridiculous 600 some pages, but still, I feel like I'm lagging. Especially when I can blow through a People magazine in one hour, with completed crossword puzzle and all. Last night, my brother was over playing the Xbox with hubs and I was on the computer catching myself up on the gossip rags...when I heard my brother lean over and loudly whisper "dude, I think my sister is a celebrity gossip whore" - which is when I turned around and said "yup, totally"...I'm not ashamed! How can I not read about the trainwreck that is the Spears sisters - or about all the pregnant celebs out there these days - or which singer or model is cracked out and looking like it? I can't quite figure out why, but I find all that stuff entertaining just the same.
Not sure where I was going with all of this - it's a rambling kind of day I guess.
Time for me to go guzzle some water now...
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Random stuff
My brother recently bought himself one of those new style mini-coopers. It's sort of his "fun" car...since he's got 3 kids, and no chance of the entire family of five fitting into that thing all at once. But he loves it - he's always wanted one, and I guess they decided to go for it. Hubs and I stopped by their house to check out his new wheels and he tossed me the keys and told me to take it for a spin. My older neices (6 and 8 years old) wanted to come with, so they climbed into the back seat, hubs rode shotgun, and I drove off feeling like a total badass chick driver...think Charlize Theron in the Italian Job. That thing was SO FUN TO DRIVE! I drove for a bit, with the girls shouting "go auntie!" in the backseat...and then I begrudgingly pulled over so hubs could have a turn. We were both very impressed at how that little car handles corners and had a total blast driving it. So this Christmas we got a very appropriate onsie for "the bun" from my brother and family:
How cute is that?
For those of you who don't know, my mom is a signpainter - but she also does alot of interior stuff for people, murals and things like that. When my brother and sister in law were pregnant with their 3rd child, they decided to do a theme in the nursery from the book "Guess How Much I Love You?". My mom and Carie looked through the book, and chose a couple of pictures for mom to paint on the walls. I was going through some of my computer pics today and stumbled upon some pictures of the nursery. I'm so amazed at how my mom can just look at a picture and then dictate it onto a wall with a paintbrush. Seriously - she's so talented...and I can't even draw decent stick figures. Check these out:
Sooo...since I've gotten such great advice from all you blog readers in the past, if you were me and you weren't into themes per say...but you had a talented mom who was willing to do a nifty little something or other for the walls of your baby's room - what you have her do? I'm kind of at a loss, and tempted to just let her sit this one out and just help me decorate and get the room together without a specific painting project. But I don't know...any suggestions??
Monday, January 07, 2008
A peek into my world
"Hi honey, hey..while you're home do you think you could make a few calls?"
"sure - I've just got some laundry going right now"
"oh reeaaally? Playing Coco the houseboy are we?"
"hahaha....yeah, sort of"
"soooo - is there a speedo and a feather duster involved?"
"umm, babe - no speedo - that would be like wrapping a rubber band around an orange"
"haha - okay, how about some Lady Marmalade action then?"
"okay you can stop now"
aannnnnnndd THAT would be a pretty typical conversation in our household.
Scary that someday soon we're going to actually go to the hospital - and then they're just going to let us come home with a baby. BY OURSELVES.
In fact, that kinda makes me laugh - because I remember when we adopted Georgia and we had to fill out like 4 pages of questions about our "parenting" skills. How much time we'd be spending with her - what our philosophies were about potty training - whether or not we'd be enrolling her in dog obedience school - how much time she'd be left alone during the was crazy - I mean I'm glad they do it, but I'm pretty sure that to have a baby they don't give you questionaire's like that (or do they? ha!). So we had to jump through all these hoops to prove we'd be good doggie parents and yet any ole Joe Schmoe can walk into a hospital and leave with a baby. There is something soooo backwards about that.
Course - if anyone were to tap our phones to become reassured of our fantastic parenting skills - we'd be totally screwed.
Part of the process

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
A Choice is Made...

I'll definately take pictures as it all comes together.