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Friday, December 12, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
A Good Thing...

Monday, December 01, 2008
Time flies by
-Had a low key Thanksgiving here with all of my family and my sister in law's family

I'm pretty sure this is when he decided he was OVER that whole "posing for pictures thing"...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
and scene.
Now book 2 is calling my name...
Does anyone else think it's funny that the writer of this book graduated from Brigham Young University? I know it's totally stereotypical, but vampires and a BYU grad seem sort of like oil and water to me...
Suuuucked in...
I finally bought the book on Sunday, opened it Sunday night before bed, and all day yesterday I had to make deals with myself like "I will unload the dishwasher before I can read another chapter" and "I will fold this load of clothes before I can read another chapter". I had to restrain myself from reading it during dinner...and while hubs and I watched "The Unit" last night, I was reading during every commercial break.
I didn't think it would happen to me - I mean, it's a TEEN book about VAMPIRES. And yet, I'm over halfway through and it's barely been a full 24 hours since I started it. I was up at 2am last night and actually considered picking it up and reading more.
Funny thing is, I went to the bookstore and asked the clerk for this book - she directs me to it (on a big display at the end of the aisle that I somehow missed) and as I'm standing there thinking "I didn't know it was a teen book - do I really want to read this?"...this woman in her sixties walks by and goes "ohmyGAWD, you are not going to be able to put that book down - BE PREPARED! I'm so not kidding!"
So I figured it must be good.
My house is suffering people...I'm totally blaming all of you blog buddies out there when my house starts to smell, and neither of us have any clean laundry.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
SeaWorld Adventures...

and Adam was fascinated (he was sitting on Auntie Carie's lap)I'm just amazed by these guys:
"How'd they DO that?"
Now, these dolphins were splashing you can imagine...and we were sitting pretty darn close...
A little splashing, no big deal right?
Except then they brought out the ORCA...and she cruised around the rim and flapped her giant tail and completely soaked as many people as possible. This is what I caught of my parents (sitting one row BEHIND ME) right after being drenched
I'm not even sure if I can describe to you how it felt to get hit by that wave of water...but imagine someone taking a huge bucket of cold salt water and dumping it directly over your head. Carie had hightailed it for the top the minute a few drops hit her and Adam, and a few other family members followed. At some point, I was recovering from a particularly huge wave, and my niece Abby looked at me with big brown eyes and said "ummm, can we move?". I grabbed her hand and we bolted up those stairs leaving a massive trail of water behind us. We were both literally soaked from head to if we'd just gotten out of the shower...and I was wearing JEANS! We settled in at the top and enjoyed the rest of the show while trying to squeeze water out of our clothes...and then I realized that our digital camera was in my hand the entire time. Let's just say, digital cameras and salt water? not a good combo. (Thank goodness for best buy and their warranties!) SO thus ends my picture taking for the entire vacation.
I do have a story though about our SECOND trip to Seaworld - and you're just going to have to visualize it all for yourself. So on Sunday, we decided to head back to seaworld and hit all the stuff we missed on the first trip. The kids especially wanted to go to the roaring rapids ride. Now you would think...after the dolphin show experience, that I would stay off rides titled ROARING RAPIDS. But for some reason, either my blond hair kicked in at that moment - or I just like to live dangerously, because I was stoked about hitting that ride. Hubs was smart and bought a poncho - but they were $8 and we didn't want to spend that much on another poncho that we'd probably never use, so we decided to share and just cover ourselves. We were standing in line and watching people walk towards the exit, and some people looked wet, but others looked completely dry and after unfolding the poncho and seeing that it wasn't really big enough for both of us - I told hubs "you know what honey - it's okay...I'll be fine..I don't mind getting a little wet". (again, wearing my dried out JEANS on this day - big mistake). So we climb into the ride - hubs and Carie wearing black and white shamu ponchos - my older neices on one side - and my brother and I poncholess sitting next to each other on the other side. We start the ride and all is well, we go down some little dips and get splashed a bit - but no big deal...then we get to this open area where we see my mom standing with the strollers waving - and we notice an observation deck where people can put quarters in these machines and people can aim water at you. Then we hear "HEY GUYS!" and lo and behold, my DAD was on one of the machines and nailing the crap out of us....Aaron and I are yelling "HEY, HEY! KNOCK IT OFF!" because of course we're getting soaked. The girls were laughing and hubs and carie were holding their ponchos and chuckling at how wet we were getting. We move past my dad, and farther along the ride and aaron and I are grumbling about how wet we are, when I look up ahead and notice a freaking WATERFALL that we have to go UNDER. I looked at Aaron and said "CRAP!!!!" and pointed...and aaron looks up and goes "Oh COME OOOOOOONNNNN!!!!"
and then we got completely drenched.
I miserably crawled off that ride and took the walk of shame towards the exit while people in line were whispering "ohmygod did you SEE that girl? she was soaked!"...most of the rides dump you off at a gift shop of some sort, and the one we went through had clothes of course (smart) - and I HAD to get out of those heavy, wet hubs and I found a pair of sweatpant capri's with a seaworld logo on them, and I headed to the dressing room to change. I had to call hubs to hold the curtain closed for me - and I stepped out of my jeans. It was then that I realized I was soaking wet - I didn't want to put on these new pants and get them soaked I told hubs "dude, my ASS is wet! I don't want to put these pants on now!" and he stepped inside the dressing room...crouched down and goes "use my t-shirt!"
Let's just say - I proceeded to rub my butt on hubby's a corner dressing room of a crappy gift shop at sea world...I was cracking up and trying not to pee myself from laughing the entire time - and hubby was holding onto the curtain for dear life going "I should have bought a pooooonchooooo!" Oh man - it was so damn funny, I don't even know if I can properly explain the hilarity of that situation. We walked out of there snickering up about the fact that we didn't want to spend $8 on a damn poncho, but ended up spending $26 on a new pair of pants for me. Lesson LEARNED!
All in all, a fun vacation - mom and dad rented a beach house which was super cute and literally right on the beach. Adam did FABULOUS at seaworld both times and we've learned that he really does travel pretty well...he's good at being on the go and away from his normal routine. I'm bummed that I didn't get any more pictures - but we did get a new camera, WOOOO!
Friday, October 31, 2008

Thus ends our first Halloween night as a family of three. It was totally fun, and I always love checking out other people's costumes. Such creativity out there, I'm always very impressed!
This is my 3 year old neice Gracie holding Adam:
Friday, October 17, 2008
Well I still have bumper pads on the crib...the breathable ones...and I still use a blanket on him because we live in a freezing old house with no insulation...but what's freaking me out is that my kid has shown a distinct preference for stomach sleeping. From the very beginning, he wanted to roll onto his side, and he's always grabbed blankets or clothing and buried his face in them. On the few occasions he's fallen asleep on the couch, he turns towards the cushions and rubs and buries his face before falling asleep.
Hubs and I have been probably a bit overly paranoid about SIDS. The first night we had him home - hubs had the video monitor camera about 2 inches from his face so he could see if he was breathing...haha. But I'm right there with him - we live by the angel care monitor, and I don't know what I'd do without a video monitor. Sometimes I think all this high tech convenience stuff can breed paranoia and make all our fears worse.
But now, it's ten fold because no matter what we do - Adam rolls onto his stomach to sleep. I've gotten up countless times and flipped him over...we've used a sleep positioner (he rolls OVER it) matter what he wants to sleep on his stomach. And he sleeps so WELL - his power naps are gone, and he snoozes in his crib like a champ. Of course I have the angel care on and the video camera thing with me at all times...but it still freaks me out.
I've read that as long as they are rolling over on their own, it's not dangerous - and he can roll over, but he hasn't learned how to roll onto his back yet...he can get over, but not back to where he started. Should I be worried about this?
I'm just wondering how spastic I have to be about this whole stomach sleeping issue....thoughts? anyone?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Roger That...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
gotta love bullet style...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tricep Torture...

Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Day 2
Seriously you guys, I'm just not sure I'm cut out for this class...
Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to give up (at $10 a class paid in advance, I'm too cheap to give up) - but I just feel like everyone else is waaaaay ahead of me fitness-wise, and I'm just struggling.
I guess that should be even more of a reason to stay huh? I'll try and remind myself of that when I'm huffing and puffing and trying not to cry while running laps tomorrow.
We're supposed to arrive a bit early to get in some stretching because that's not part of the class...we do that on our own time - well I only got a few minutes of stretching in because Adam woke up right as I was leaving and I had to stick him in bed with hubs and leave. Plus, he woke up again at 2:30, needing changing and a bottle (why oh why did he stop sleeping through the night NOW???) so I was dragging once again.
The first part of class was with a partner...thank GOD my friend Kelli is doing this with me because I hate partnering with people I don't know - and we used resistance bands. We did 20 reps of arm stuff and then had to lock ankles and do 20 sit ups while clapping hands with our partner. Crunches, I can do...Sit Ups are a different story - but I must say..that first set of 20 sit ups, we kicked BUTT - slapped hands and had no problem keeping up. Then it was back to the bands, and on the second set of sit ups, we both tried to get up and it wasn't happening...hahahaha - we started laughing because it was like our stomach muscles just gave out or something. I mean, they were sore from all of yesterday's crunches, but after that first set and doing so well - it was WIERD to not be able to get ourselves up. The drill sergeant guy came over and stood over us and let us use his hands as leverage...said it's just because we're not used to it (plus, throw in the pregnancies we went through and it's even worse...hahaha) - so that was a bit embarrassing that we had to have his help for that part, but oh well...he got us up and made us resist on the way back down. We did that quite a few times, and let's just say - my stomach is so sore, it hurts to take a breath in. This class is making me feel more out of shape than I thought I was...haa!
Then we went onto weight training arm stuff...and my shoulders are killing me - but it's a good kind of hurt, like I really accomplished something. I want some GUNS, ya know?
And then it was back outside for more running - an entire half hour of running....sweet mother am I sick of the running. I'm thinking of doubling up on the sports bra too because the ladies don't like the running. Come to think of it, there is not one single part of my body that enjoys the running, at least not yet. My marathon running friend Aron makes it sound so great and she's so motivating, but damn...I think I was born without that running gene or something. Hopefully it'll get easier as time goes on, but I'm so sore right now that I'm reallllllly dreading tomorrow.
He set up a bunch of cones and we had to run and touch the bottom of each cone and then move onto the next one in a zig-zag formation, and then when we got to the last cone, we had to run a lap around the parking lot. It's a big parking lot with a HILL...and of course anytime he'd catch anyone walking (usually me, since everyone else just seemed to zip on past me barely breathing hard, while I'm gasping for air like I smoke 3 packs a day) he would yell. I hate the yelling, so I would jog - but it was so hard. The cone/lap thing went on for about 20 minutes, I couldn't even tell you how many laps we did, but it was crazy. So then we finally finish, and we are all getting water and he goes "okay ladies, gather around" and then he goes " finish up today....4 MORE LAPS, COME ON LADIES - LET'S GO! NO WALKING!"
damn it...
Today, I am so sore, it actually hurt to snap adam's onsie after changing a diaper. Why do I get the feeling that tomorrow is going to be worse?
moving on...anyone up for squishy baby pics?

If you look close, you might be able to see his two bottom teeth (yes, TWO!)
My big boy in his high chair...
Not so much diggin the rice cereal...