Happy Halloween everyone! I'll be getting the boy into his costume later this evening, so I'll take pictures then...check back for some cuteness :)

I feel like I have so much to talk about...
We spent five days in San Diego with my entire family - hit Seaworld a couple of times and had a good time. Our camera got damaged in the Soak Zone of the dolphin show, which I'll write more about later...luckily we had a warranty, so we were able to return it for a new one, but I still have to get our pictures off the memory stick...check back later for those as well.
The biggest news? BOOTCAMP IS OVER - WOOOOO!
Today was the last day...we ran the mile and got our final evaluation and we were DONE.
The results are not jaw-dropping - but for a 20 day class (of which I missed a total of 5 days because of vacation and a sick baby), I'm happy with it.
I lost 4 pounds
I lost almost 5 inches total
I lost 2% body fat
I cut 1 minute and 22 seconds off my mile time
I feel better and healthier...and I feel like I've got a good jumpstart on an exercise routine of some sort. I must be crazy because I'm actually thinking of doing it again in December.
I also learned that I really just don't enjoy running at all. To me, the only good thing about running is how good it feels to stop. (sorry Aron and N.D. and all you other runner people out there) I feel like I struggle for every step...and I'm constantly talking myself out of stopping...or I'm just stopping and not caring if the drill sergeant man yells at me. I can walk like crazy - but running is just not my thing. Maybe it's because I'm not a skinny little thing, so hauling this body around is more challenging, or maybe it's all just a mind thing and I THINK about it too much....but no matter how hard I tried - I don't like it. My shins hurt, my knees hurt, my BOOBS hurt - which of course means my back hurts. I don't know how you runners do it. I give major props to you all because it's HARD!
So anyway - all in all, a decent experience...although it sucked to get up so early and was definately a challenge with a sporadically sleeping 6 month old. I dreaded it at times, but I was always proud of myself after each class, and proud that I didn't give up and I hung in there even though ALOT of people originally in the class dropped out by the end.
Still - HAPPY DANCE THAT IT'S OVER!!!! hehehee
The boy is sleeping, and I still have to give him a bath, get him costumed up and head over to church with my brother and his family for some good Halloween fun.
I'll leave you with some scrumptious pics...
This is my 3 year old neice Gracie holding Adam:
This is my 3 year old neice Gracie holding Adam:
And my little man sleeping off his 6 month shots - camo bandaids and all!
These pics are adorable!! they look like they could be brother and sister too! Great job graduating boot camp - that's a great accomplishment. I used to HATE running - through high school and college - it was punishment for all the sports I played if we lost games or what not. It just grew on me I guess, how it makes me feel and what it does for my body and self esteem. Maybe it will grow on you, but if you hate every step, don't force it! Maybe you could train for a 5k and see? Can't wait for some halloween pics!
CONGRATULATIONS! That is amazing that you completed the class, because I certainly wouldn't have done it. The fact that you got up, tired or not, is awesome! Congrats on your losses. =) Job well done Mom!
congratsssssssss on such awesome results at bootcamp!! you did amazing :) running definitely isn't for everyone, i think finding something that works for you and you enjoy and can stick to is the most important thing :)
LOVE the halloween pics!!
(we are babysitting right now!)
Aw, poor little vaccinated chicken. I like the camo bandaids. We don't get those!
Oh, and we have that monkey blankie--love it!
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