There, I said it. I have DREADED this for some reason. Perhaps it's all the "boys are harder to train" and "boys take alot longer than girls" things I keep hearing from other mom's. There is a part of me that doesn't so much mind the diapers, because I can literally change him anywhere - and having to find a bathroom, not as convenient, you know? (except for those nasty 2 year old turds, good LORD the smell!)
BUT, as of last month, he officially hit 2 1/2 and he's telling me when he's wet or has "stinks", so I kinda feel like I won't know if he's actually ready until I at least try. I am completely against pushing him on this subject, if he's not ready, then he's not ready and we'll try again later - but I feel like I at least need to give it a shot.
Hubs and I picked these up over the weekend and I can't get over how stinking CUTE they are!
(dun - da-da - DUN!)
But seriously, what the HELL is this pocket for? a matchbox car? I've never understood this - anyone? anyone?
Once we got home, we realized we should have bought more than a pack of three because he could probably ruin all 3 pairs in about 45 minutes, ha!
So here is my tentative plan thus far:
- Wait until I have 2 or 3 consective days where I know that I or hubs, preferably both - can be home all day
- Roll up living room rug and remove
- Close all doors to bedrooms - i.e. carpeted areas
- Put him in big boy chonies
- Proceed to take him potty every 15 minutes or half hour and see what happens...
- I don't really want to go the pull-up route except for bedtime, because knowing my kid, if it looks like a diaper, and feels like a diaper, he will pee in it and forget about the big boy potty I kinda feel like just putting him in big boy unders, and that way he'll feel the difference.
Woman, I've got nothing. I am dreading potty training like no one's business.
If it goes well for you, I would be willing to ship Ezra to your house for a quickie session. Don't think I won't.
I'm not one to share advice, since my 3 year old is still in diapers. (ugh) BUT.. its not a pocket! haha.. its easy access to whip it out! lol.. not that a 2 year old is going to use it. but all guy underwear has them. Not only do they get to stand up to pee.. but they don't even have to unbuckle there pants! no fair.
Hmmm.... I've done it twice with two totally different kids. My oldest daughter was pretty simple and potty-trained at 2.5 (with a handful of accidents each month for the first 6 months). My youngest was THREE when she was finally potty trained but had very few accidents after that. I think gettting them to pee in the potty is MUCH easier than going #2.
I think good readiness indicators are when they can tell you if they are wet/dirty, if they stay dry through naps or the night, and if they are interested.
Here are my tips:
-Use pull ups only for the night. We called them night-night panties
-You will need WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than three pairs ;) Better yet, let him pick them.
-pick a time when you have a solid 3-4 days at home (make sure you have the staples at home. you won't be leaving for a bit)
-strip him down to his undies (or let him roam- smooth surfaced floors- naked), put a small potty in whatever room you spend most of your time.
- I wouldn't sit him on the potty every 10 minutes, wait till he actually pees and point it out 'oh look, you're going pee-pee' and then rush him to the potty. It helps to keep unofficial track of when he's going (usually 20 minutes or so after meals). If you do choose to sit him at intervals make them quick (no more than 3-5 minutes)
-praise, praise, praise (or reward, reward, reward). Give yourself a reward too. It takes a lot of consistency and PATIENCE (of which I have very little).
-if it doesn't work the first 2-3 days then STOP and try again in 6 months.
Good luck!
You will quickly learn where every public restroom is in all your favorite stores. Don't think that anyone will let you cut in line even if your kid is doing the pee-pee dance. Some people are heartless.
I have to say that my boys were both potty taining pros. Josh at 24months and Jason at 22 months! And... I can take no credit... I swear they both potty trained themselves.
One thing I know is key though is to be consistent! Once you start, don't stop. Be prepared for accidents and that is okay. Yep... probably need more than 3 pairs of chonies too. =)
The first week or two when I had to go out I would use pull ups and of course at night. I would completely get rid of all diapers (of course use what you have left) If he is gonna take the big boy route then you gotta go all the way
I could go on forever about what I did with my boys. Feel free to ask anytime! Let me tell you though... potty trained kids are awesome!! your life will be so much easier. and with boys, they can pee anywhere. Jason peed on a tree today when we were out dirt bike riding.
Good luck and make it lots of fun for him and you guys! =)
Ditto to everything Joanna said. My number one piece of advice is that if you don't see any progress or interest after a couple of days DO NOT be afraid to ditch the potty training for now and try again in a month or two. I thought D was ready (she potty trained early) because she was so verbal and gave me all the signs but the first time we tried it just didn't work. We waited a month, tried again and she got it on like the first day (#1 that is...#2 takes a while). I will agree that pull ups should be used at night but I will also add that you should also use them for long car rides for a while. We travel a lot and when your little one is asleep on a trip the last thing you want is for him to pee in his car seat! The last bit of advice is to stay positive. It can be a VERY frustrating process. Do not get angry or frustrated with least don't let him SEE your frustration. He will be doing the best he can at 2 and a half to figure it all out :-)
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